Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lies Preachers Tell #3

One lie Protestant preachers tell perennially I refer to as "the Watchman Lie." Have you ever heard "The Watchman Sermon?" I have; too many times. I'm so bored with the hermeneutic, it's painful to write about.

Every time I've suffered this "Watchman Sermon," the preacher bringing it invariably, and even euphemistically, refers to himself as "The Watchman on the Wall," and says something to the effect of, "I'm not watching out for your property or your possessions. It's not my job to warn you against toxic, un- American presidents or power- hungry senators and congressmen. I'm not here to save you from the tax man or from divorce court. I'm looking out for something of inestimably more value than your worthless life! I'm looking out for your eternal souls!" Thus, though perhaps unwittingly, he tells on himself as the one any true watchman would be warning us of.

A watchman is a watchman, not an appraiser. A watchman is a true conservative. Everything you have is a thing your watchman wants you to keep. A watchman watches, man: even over the little things like your step. All others are pretenders, and if you've ever looked at a deck of tarot cards, you know who the Pretender is. As Christ said, "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, [i. e. property, mineral rights, money, etc.] who will commit to your trust the true riches [souls and the heavenly treasures of scribes]?" (Luke 16:10 & 11) If he doesn't care about your prosperity, he's not even looking out for his own: he's simply a destroyer.

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